S_HE DEVIL 12 + MAXXI selection

video exhibition
MAXXI videogallery
exhibition opening and talk:
tuesday june 8th, 2021
exhibition closing:
june 13th, 2021
opening hours:
tuesday to sunday, 11am–7pm
STUDIO STEFANIA MISCETTI is proud to present S_HE DEVIL 12, the twelfth edition of the video art exhibition SHE DEVIL, this year realised in collaboration with MAXXI, the National Museum of 21st Century Arts, which will host it in its videogallery.
S_HE DEVIL will open on Tuesday 8 June at 18:00 with an inaugural talk introduced by Eleonora Farina with Dobrila Denegri, curator and art historian, and Cristiana Perrella, director of Centro Pecci in Prato, thus giving voice to the many women artists and curators who for more than ten years have animated this collective project.
Until Sunday 13 June, during the museum’s opening hours (11 am – 7 pm), the new edition of the exhibition will be accompanied by the MAXXI selection curated by Eleonora Farina, MAXXI Art curator, a previously unseen selection of video works presented in past editions of SHE DEVIL.
S_HE DEVIL is born of the desire to offer as faithful a picture as possible of the complex reality we’re living in. At the same time, it aspires to paint a picture of how regrettably binary, static and reductive conceptual frameworks may be overcome.
Starting from a consideration of queer art and the concept of gender, this edition seeks to examine how it is precisely those process of contamination, hybridisation and métissage that have defined the landscape of contemporary practice today.
In keeping with this aim, and for the first time in the exhibition’s history, the curatorial team has selected works by international artists of all genders, both established and emerging. By doing so, they have mapped out a journey that explores the outcomes and facets of that practice and its processes, taking in fields as distinct and remote as sociology, biology and technology.
Therein how a consideration of fluid identities becomes a reflection on the fluidity of the times we’re living in – a period undoubtedly bound up with the uncertainties, acceleration and ubiquity promised by technology – but which we have also interpreted as a specific attitude to existence: one that has the ability to adapt, as well as the strength to overwhelm and determine new consequences, like a river bursting its banks.
Internationally acclaimed artist Yoko Ono is ‘godmother‘ to this edition, with her piece SPACE TRANSFORMERS. The work is part of Instruction Pieces, a series the artist has been working on since the 1960s, in which each creation is structured in three indivisible parts – a concept, an object and a piece to be made.
The installation is composed of a series of small, letterpress-printed cards available to the visitor, each of which features, black on white, the text that gives the work its title. The cards are an invitation; in the words of the artist, they encourage us to “build in our own minds” a specific place where each of us, as we travel through space and time, is entirely conscious of being able to undergo our own transformation.
In addition, the MAXXI selection, curated by Eleonora Farina, narrates fifteen years of the history of SHE DEVIL through an excursus of 15 video works presented in the previous editions. A collective project that, exhibition after exhibition, behind make-up, dresses, stilettos and red lipstick, among collective masks and interior disguises, has represented the multiplicity of women, the complexity of contemporary relationships and, lastly, the marvellous versatility of the human being.
In keeping with the tradition of SHE DEVIL, the godmother of the MAXXI selection is Elaine Shemilt with the video performance Doppelgänger from 1979-81.

artists | curators
MICHAEL SEDBON | Elena Giulia Rossi
MAXXI selection | curated by Eleonora Farina
artists | curators
KATE GILMORE | Cristiana Perrella
NINA LASSILA | Maria Cristina Giusti
KATHARINA D. MARTIN | Chiara Vigliotti
JULIKA RUDELIUS | Caterina Iaquinta
ANNA-SOFIA SYSSER | Manuela Pacella
catalogue of the project
CURA., rome, 2019
catalogue of the project CURA., rome, 2024
exhibition catalogue
bucarest, 2009